Health and safety

Psychology makes a difference for climate change

They aim to use psychological science to improve how humans interact with the natural environment - and the changes in it.

Our attitudes towards climate change affect our actions.

Decisions like my own on recycling, trips to London by airplane, use of collective transport to work, and ultimately who I vote for, are all affected by my own beliefs and disbeliefs.

Small decisions in the big picture it seems, but they accumulate to big changes.

- People in the western world tend to view climate change as a more serious threat to society and the world at large than for the individual as such. However, this seems to be changing now, says Gisela Böhm, professor at The Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen.

In Norway people tend to have higher hopes in respect to climate change solutions, according to the report, and they come out with less fear, outrage and guilt than the rest of Europeans asked. The report also found that Norwegians are likely to view being environmentally friendly as an important part of Norwegian identity.

Read more about this here

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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