Sustainable management

Governing Offshore Wind (GOV-WIND)

Governing Offshore Wind: Legal Challenges, Market Opportunities and Policy Perspectives (GOV-WIND)

Humankind consumes more energy than ever and will continue to do so to support the growing use of technology, the digitalisation of almost all facets of citizens’ lives and to satisfy basic societal needs.

Offshore wind power could and should play a leading role in providing consumers with clean, affordable and renewable energy in the near future due to its characteristics, and thus, can be a key player in limiting climate change. While the technology is already here, the regulation and policy to foster and deal with the consequences of its exploitation are still nascent creating the need for further legal research.

Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui leads the six year project GOV-WIND, with duration to 2026.

"The project will provid a critical and rigorous interdisciplinary analysis of the current regulation of offshore wind in the EU/EEA and other selected jurisdictions from a market-oriented perspective, says Herrera-Anchustegui

Read more about the project here!

Contact:  Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui

GOV-WIND vil bidra til de mest optimale reguleringene for å oppnå de beste økonomiske og tekniske løsningene, sier førsteamanuensis Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui (Foto: Foto/ill.: Kim E. Andreassen UiB)

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