
EOV partners NORCE and UiB participate in the project perCCSeptions n people's opinion and knowledge of carbon capture and storage technology

EOV partners NORCE and UiB participate in the project perCCSeptions on people's opinion and knowledge of carbon capture and storage technology.

It is presumed that offshore storage will increase the public acceptance of CCS projects, but there exists to date little research supporting this assumption.

There is also insufficient knowledge onhow the prospect of exporting CO2 to other jurisdictions might affect support for CCS in European countries, and how the prospect of importing CO2 affects support for CCS in Norway.

More knowledge on these issues is important because public opposition constitutes a major barrier for the implementation of CCS. The project PERCCSEPTIONS will answer these questions by conducting a series of survey experiments in Norway and Germany. The project will provide new knowledge on the drivers of support and opposition to large-scale CCS and to international transport of CO2.