Centre for climate and energy transformation (CET)

Centre for climate and energy transformation (CET) is an initiative at the University of Bergen, led from the Faculty of Social Sciences. The centre's goal is to produce actionable knowledge about how to achieve a sustainable transformation of society to prevent climate change.

Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation

While we have acquired substantial knowledge about physical climate changes and to some extent their impacts on society, new knowledge is needed on how to achieve deep, rapid and sustainable transformation of society.

The overarching goal of CET is to produce actionable knowledge that can inform policy and practice about how to achieve deep, rapid and sustainable transformation of society to mitigate climate change.

CET brings together researchers from three partner institutions - the University of Bergen, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS and NHH Norwegian School of Economics, and conducts problem-oriented and interdisciplinary research in the following priority areas:

- Climate mitigation pathways

- Effective and equitable policies

- Complex societal systems

- Energy transitions

- Urban development

- Sustainable transport and mobility

- Climate effects on society

- Sustainable land use

Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation is led from the Faculty of Social Sciences located at Nygårdshøyden in Bergen city centre, and contact information is found here.