Energy efficiency and optimization

Energy efficiency measures are increasingly recognized as a means not only to achieve a sustainable energy supply, cut greenhouse gas emissions, improve security of supply and reduce import bills, but also to promote competitiveness.

Energy efficiency is a strategic priority for the Energy Union, and the EU promotes the principle of ‘energy efficiency first’ and smart sector integration to bring together the electricity, gas and heating sectors closer together “in one system”. By optimizing methods by e.g. continuous advances in computer hardware and software, and applying them to sustainable energy production, we can meet the challenges for the worlds future energy demand.

Norway has a wide selection of experts and global leaders in different industries and industry clusters, but future positions depend on the ability to adapt and incorporate AI expertise, digitalisation and handle change in operations, products, and business models. Industry specific challenges, problem solving, insight and data is the currency within AI development and adoption. This «raw material» gives us position to attract talent and create future solutions.

Energiomstilling VEST (EOV) partners has strong competence and expertise within a wide range of areas within energy efficiency and optimization to improve use of energy and reduced geographical and environmental footprint.

Some of the areas are improved oil and gas reservoir management tools by using ensemble methods, optimization and model updating (data assimilation), energy system integration and modeling, smart sensors, machine learning and big data, and utilization of ionic liquids for new batteries technology development.

Photo and Illustrations: HVL, Pixabay



Selected publications

Cluster and networks

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